Frequently Asked Questions
Do you tow cars?
Unfortunately we are unable to offer this service.
Are you insured?
Yes, we are insured as a Heavy Towing business by NTI, Australia’s largest truck insurer. This includes (but is not limited to) marine policy, on hook, recovery, unloading and loading, goods in care, public liability, and our staff are covered by WorkCover Queensland.
Can I get an account set up?
A credit application can be requested (conditions apply).
Can I get the tow done today?
Yes, we can normally offer you a same-day service and mostly respond within one hour in metropolitan areas.
Can I pay by credit card?
Yes, we accept and prefer Visa & MasterCard.
Can I hitch a lift with the recovery vehicle?
Normally we can legally carry one passenger (non-smoking).
Can you bill my insurance company?
In most cases yes, some insurers prefer their clients to pay initially and they then compensate the client.
Can you travel interstate?
Yes, we have Recovery Vehicles and Operators licensed and compliant in NSW.